World Pharmacist day 2016

Kathmandu, Nepal Pharmaceutical association have celebrated World Pharmacist Day 2016 – “Pharmacist caring for you”, by organizing three different program.
The first program is Workshop with title “Management of medication error” which was organized in coordination with healthy life foundation Nepal, in 23th sept at Indredni Complex , New baneswor.
There were total 65 hospital and community pharmacist as a participant and resources person such as Dr anjan rijal, vice principal Nepal medical college, Dr Neelam adhikari Consultant peadritic , Dr Rajani Shakya , Asst professor KU and Mr gajendra bdr bhuju, former director DDA, have explore various aspect of medication error and its prevention methods. Similarly there was practical workshop session, in which participant were taught how medication related problem could be managed using the computer technology.
The Second day, that is 24th sept, was Seminar on topic “Analytical method development and validation” at Hotel Himalayan kupondole. There were total 110 participant from different Pharmaceutical industries. The chief speakers were, Dr Puran Lal Sahu, principal scientist of Indian pharmacopeial commission and Mr Kapil Bhargava former drug Ex. Drug controller India.
The 3rd , 25th sept, is world pharmacist day, and it was celebrated by organizing mass rally from department of drug administration to maitighar mandala in morning.. The rally was jointly organized Nepal pharmaceutical association along with other association related to pharmaceutical sector such as GPAN, PHAN, HOSPAN, YPG. Similarly, in evening the talk program was organized with tiltle “ Current and future Issues of Pharmaceutical sector”. The speaker such Mr baburam Humagain, president Nepal pharmacy council, Mr Narayan psd dhakal, director Department of drug administration, Mrs bhaba Ranjit, chairperson National medicine laboratory etc gave their views regarding the various aspect regarding pharmaceutical sectors.
९ असोज २०७३, आइतवार १५:२१ बजे प्रकाशित